Forest and wild life of Himachal Pradesh

Forest and wild life

Himachal Pradesh has rich wealth of forest. Forests are contributing in generating our economy. Forest based industries are providing employment to the people of our state. Besides, forests are helpful in keeping ecological balance and healthy environment. At present Himachal Pradesh has 37033 sq kms of area under forests which is 66.5% of the total area.

Our govt. has launched various schemes to generate forestation and to avoid deforestation.

Forest Plantation: This programme is being carried out under Productive Forestry Schemes and Soil Conservation Schemes. This programme comprises introductory plantation, of quick growing species, economic plantation, pasture improvement, fuel and fodder and minor forest produce.

Wild Life and Nature Conservation: The Main objective of this scheme is to improve the habitat and facilitate provision of wild life sanctuaries, so as to afford protection to the various species.

Integrated Waste Land Development Project in Ravi Catchment Area : The aim of this project is to bring maximum area under forest. This project came into being in the catchment territories of Ravi river in Chamba district.

Forest Protection: The main objective of this scheme is to provide security of forests form fire, illicit felling and encroachment.

Indo- German economic Development Project : This scheme has been launched with the collaboration of Federal Republic of Germany. The aim of this scheme is to form multi-disciplinary approach by involving the departments of forests, agriculture horticulture and animal husbandry.

Forestry research Education and Extension Project: this scheme has been working with the assistance of World bank, in the state.

Watershed development Project for Himalayan Hills: This Scheme was launched with assistance of Wold Bank . this scheme aims at ecological rehabilitation of the surrounding territories of five revers Ghaggar and Sirsa (Solan) , Markanda(Sirmaur), Swan (Una), and chhaki (Kangra) to improve socio-econimic conditionsof farmeres living in these area.

 Wild lIfe Sanctuaries, National Parks , Zoo and Museum

1. Renuka Wild life Sanctuary-----Sirmaur
2. Churdhar wild life Sanctuary-----Sirmaur
3. Simble Bada wild life Sanctuary---Sirmaur
4. Tirthan wild life Sanctuary----Kullu
5. Rupi wild Life Sanctuary—Kinnaur
6. Lippa Asrang wild life Sanctuary---Kinnaur
7. Sangla wild life Sanctuary---Kinnaur
8. Sachoo Tuan Nala wild life Sanctuary---chamba
9. Tandaha Wild life Sanctuary---chamba
10. Kala top wild life Sanctuary—chamba
11. Kugit wild life sanctuary---chamba
12. Chitkul wild life sanctuary—chamba
13. Manali wild life -------Kullu
14. Kanawar wild life ----Kullu
15. Kalass wild life sanctuary—Kullu
16. Khohan wild life sanctuary—Kullu
17. Daran wild lfe Sanctuary—Shimla
18. Talra wild life Sanctuary---Darlaghat
19. Shimla water catchment -----Darlaghat
20. Area wild life sanctuary-----Shimla
21. Chail wild life Sanctuary---Solan
22. Wild life Sanctuary----Solan
23. Majathal wild life Sanctuary—Solan
24. Bandli wild life sanctuary—Mandi
25. Nagru wild life sanctuary—Mandi
26. Shikakri Devi wild life sanctuary—Mandi
27. Goplapur Zoo----Kangra 
28. State Mesuem---Shimla
29. Bhuri sing Meseum---Chamba
30. Suketi fossil Park—Sirmaur
31. Pin Valley National Park---Lahaul Spiti
32. Pong Dam or Maharana Pratap—or Sagar bird Sanctuary—Kangra
33. Goving Sagar bird Sanctuary--bilaspur

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