Climate Type in Himachal Pradesh

Climate Type in Himachal Pradesh

Himachal Pradesh is a mountainous region with elevation ranging from 350 to 7000 meters. The climatic conditions here accordingly vary from the semitropical to semitropical. The climate of Kangra valley, Beas vallry, shiwalik areas and kiarda valley is severe in summer and winter is pleasant and bracing with only a moderate variation between the day and night temperature Snowfall is rare.

The climate in the mid or lesser Himalayan ranges of the Pradesh which convers one of Shimla ranges and the Ravi valley is pleasant in summer, very cold in winter and snowfall is heavy.
In the chandrabhaga and Kinnaur valleys the climate is temperate in summer and semi arctic in winter. Snowfall normally begins in October and after December the whole valley is under snow till March to April communication remain cut off the and the villages become almost isolated. In winter the inhabitants move to the lower hills.

Himachal Pradesh experience a wide variety of climatic conditions, ranging from areas, receiving very heavy rainfall to the cold, almost rainless deserts of Lahaul Spiti and Pooh. The areas like Dharamshala, Palampur, Mandi and Kullu receive good amount of rainfull during monsoon and winter seasons. The basic pattern of weather in Himachal Pradesh is governed by the following systems.

The south west monsoons which are gigantic land sea breezes that blow across the indian subcontinent once a year with clockwork regularity.

The winter monsoons system of the Asian continental mass

Himachal Pradesh experiences three well defined seasons viz. summer, monsoons and winter. Spring is the transition period between winter and summer and that between monsoon and winter is autumns.

Summer: Summer season begins in Himachal Pradesh from the middle of April and continues till the end of June. The Shivalik Hills, Beas Valley and Kiarda Valley is quite hot in summer with average temperature ranges from 28 degree Celsius to 32 degree Celsius  during  this season the snow on the higher peaks starts melting, which increases the level of water in the perennial rivers.

Monsoons: South-West monsoons remains active in the lower and mid hills from june to September. These rains are heavy on the south facing slopes of the hills. The average rainfall of Himachal Prasesh is 160 cms. The most wet part of the state is dharamshala which has record of having on average 340 cms. Rainfall in year, only second to cherapunji, which has heighest rainfall in india.The rain shadow areas of Himachal Pradesh are:

The Lahaul valley across the Pir Panjal upto Udaipur.
The tract along the Chenab river
The Spiti valley
The upper Satluj valley upstream at Wangtu.

Autumns: The weather cleats in Himachal Pradesh by the end of September and early October. This is the best season in Himachal Pradesh , lasting for two months October and November.

Winter:  The winter season follow autumn and continues form November end to March. During winter most parts of the state remain snow covered. The higher tracts of Lahual Spiti , Pangi valley, Shimla hills, chamba, Dhauladhar and Pir Panjal ranges experience heaby snowfall . the areas above 2200 meters receive heavy to moderate snowfall. The remoter parts of the state remain cut off form test of the world during winter for weeks together and life becomes quite isolated there. Avalanches and snow stormes are common in tracrs lying above the snow line.

Spring: The spring season commences in the state from March and concludes by the end of April. In Spring and autumn maximum trade activities are performed by the people of the state.
The state can aptly be divided into four climatic regions on the basis of climatic conditions like temperature, precipitation. Latitude and altitude.

Arctic : over 4500 meters
Sub arctic:  3500-4500 meters
Temperate: 2000-3500 meters
Tropical: below 2000 meters

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