Himachal and Mughal Era

Muslim ruler tried to invade Himachal Hill States. The description of Mughals’ expedition of Himcachal has been given in a book named ‘Tarikh-i-Yamini’ authored by famous historian Utbi.
Mahmood Ghaznavi plundered Kangra fort in A.D. 1009.
Feroz Shah tughlaq tried to capture Kangra Fort in 1365 A.D. but in vain. However he took more than 1300 books from Jwalamukhi temple along with him.
In A.D 1398-99 Temur Lang also plundered some territories of Kangra, Sirmaur and Hundoor State.
Jahangir invaded Kangra Fort in 1620 with the assistance of Raja Jagat singh of Nurpur.
Raja chattar Singh of Chamba disobeyed Aurangzed’s ordinance.

Gorkha Expedition of himachal

After the down fall of Mughal supremacy in Delhi, Gorkha forces of Nepal tried to invade Northern india. They captured Garhwal, Kumaon, Sirmaur and some of Shimla Hill States. Sansar chand Katoch of Kangra annihilated Gorkha forces in 1804. Next year in 1805 Gorkha force s, under the leadership of Amar Singh Thap defeated Raja Sansar  Chand at  Mahal-Morian near Hamirpur. Sansar Chand took shelter in Kangra fort. Amar singh Thapa besieged Kangra fort in 1805 and for next four year he held this fort. In 1809 Maharaja Rnajit singh defeated Gorkhas and took Kangra fort in his own possessiom.
The British and Himachal:- In 1803 Malagarh came in the possession of Gorkhas, In 1804 British Commander Octerloni  defeated gorkhas and captured Nalagarh. By 1815 the British ousted Gorkhas form Shimla Hill states and these stated fell under the crown of British Emoire, the Sikhs invaded Knagra, Kullu and Lahaul-Spiti in 1846 and suffered defeat in 1846, when the first Anglo-sikh war was fought. The British snatched Kangra, Kullu and Lahual-Spiti from the Sikhs. In this way Himcachal States came under the crown of the british till 1846.

Himachal from 1864 to 1948
 Despotic and imperialistic policies of the Britisheers, annoyed the fill States. IN 1848 during the firstr Anglo-Sikh war, Ram Singh Pathania of Nurpur revolted against the British and took Nurpur in his possession. Commissioner Henry Lawrance of Jallandhar and deputy Commissioner Barnes  ofKangra defeated Ram singh Pathania, Ram singh Pathania fought back and contined Gurilla was against the breitish. At last ram sing was caught and sent ot jsinap ore, where3 he died.
During the great War of 1857 severak hill states took and active part, Nasiru Military Battalion   of Jutog and Kasauli Battlalion also rebelled against the British.

Some popular movements, conferences and organisations
People of Himachal states revolted against their kulers, of local states several times. These revolts were called ‘Dandra’ in Bilaspur and ‘Dumeh’ in Sirmaur. Several Conferences were held and organisations were established to achieve freedom. The following were the popular movements and organisations.
1 Movement against Behar System:-  In 1859 people of Rampur- Bushahar state opposd ‘begar’ System run by their ruler. People were forced to work hard for Wazirs, Zamindars and other officials and they were hard for Wazirs, Zamindars and other officials and they were not paid any salary or remuneration for this work.
2 Revolt of Hundur(Nalagarh):- In 1859 people of Hundur state revolted states revolted against the despotic of Wazir Gulam Qadir.
3. Jugga Movement of Bilaspur:- In 1883 people of Bilaspur agitated against Raja Amar chand of Bilaspur. People burnt themselves. ‘Jugga meant –to burn oneself with the help of dry grass.
4. Settlement Moventment:- in 1930 the people of Bilaspur opposed ‘settlement ‘ activated by Revenue Department.
5. Agitation against corruption:-  In 1895 the people of Bhatiyat of Chamba district took out procession against corrupt officials.
6. Agitation of Gadar Party:- in 1914 Lata hardyal founded Gadar Party at San Fransisco. Hardev and Kanshi Ram Mandi went to San Fransisco. Hardev and Kanshi Ram of Mandi went to San Fransico for higher studies. There they joined Gadar Party/ At Shanghai, Hardev met with Nidhan Singh Chugha who was an active member of Gadar Party, When tghey came back to Mandi, they established and organisation of revolutionary youths. Hirda Ram, Surjan, Jawahar Singh, Jwala Singh Sharda Ram, Queen Khairgarhi  of Raja Bhawani Sen, Lonhu, Dalip Singh, Hardev and Sidhu Khrata etc. were the members fo Gadar Party. Hirda Ram was sentenced to death for his involvement in Lahore Conspiracy. Surjan and Nidhan Singh ghugha were hanged to death. Later Hardev became famous by the name of Swami Krishna Nand.
7: Mandi agitation: in 1909-1910 people of Mandi protested against Raja Bhawani singh and Wazir Jivanand Padha.
8: Mandi Association:  Swami Purnanand founded mandi Association, which protested against Begar system and other social evils.
9. Chamba Sewak Sangh :- in 1937 Chamba Sewak singh was constituted to oppose the policies of Raja of Chamba .
10. Praja Mandal: - To abolish British throne and to elect a popular government, Praja Mandals were constituted.
11. All india State People’s conference:- to promote Praja Mandals “ All india states People Conference was held at Ludhiana in 1938.
12. Shimla Hill State Himalaya Riyasti Praja  :After Ludhiana Conference, Shimla Hill States Himalaya Riyasti Praja Mandal was constituted .
13. Dhami firing Tragedy:- Rana of Dhami nanned the activites of Dhami Praja Mandal and imposed heavy taxes. People of Dhami State agitated ahainst the Rana  of Dhami under the leadership of Bhag Mal Sautha . On 16th July 1939 Rana of Dhami orderd to open fire and two persons were killed in this firing. This ineident attracted mahatma Gandhi and Jawahar lal Nehru’s attention. Jawahar Lal Nehru appointed advocate Duhi Chand of  Ambala for the inquiry of Dhami Fiting.
14. Pajhota Movement:- in 1942 leaders of Sirmaur Praja Mandal went to their ruler and complained against the corruptions which was flqurshing among officials. The  ruler sent his army to crush people’s movement . People took up weapons against army. This agitation is called Pajhota Movement .Surat Singh, Milan ghughu chet ram and Basti ram were the leaders of this Movement.
 15. Mandi Conference : From 8th march 1946 a conference of the representative of Praja Mandals was help of Mandi under the Chairmanship of col. G. S. Dhillon. It was suggested that there should be and elected organisations of the delegates of Hill States.

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