History of Himachal Pradesh

                                                        History of Himachal Pradesh

Sources of History of Himachal pradesh
The following books and rock-cut pillars provided information about Himachal pradesh-Rigveda.
 Mahabharat, Rajtarangini of  Kalhan,Mudrarakshas of Visakhadutt,description of Muslim rulers Akbar,Jahangir,Shanjahan and Aurangzeb; Foreign travelllers Thomas Koryot,Foresterm William Finch,Vine,Alexander Cunningham and Mooncraft;rock-cut pillars of Masrur temples and coins which were found in different terri-tories of this states.Abul Fazal was the first Muslim historian who wrote about Mahamaya temple of Nagar Kot fort.

Brief History of the Himachal pradesh
    Vedic Era- Descriptions of Rigveda show that the inhabitants of Himachal pradesh were called Das, Dasyu or Nishad. They belonged to Kirat,Kinner,Kol,Chumang, Nag and Dumang tribes. When the Aryans tried to steal into Shivalik Hills, they were strongly opposed by the tribes of Himachal pradesh under the leadership of Shambar. Aryan leader Devodas fought with Shambar for forty years and at last he killed Shambar and established his supremacy Himachal pradesh remained the land of great Saints,Rishies and Munis.

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